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How to find Hönö Klåva

Car & Camper

By car it is just 25 min from Gothenburg city. Take route 155 via Hisingen towards Torslanda to reach the ferry port at Lilla Varholmen. Follow the signs to Öckerö. From the Lilla Varholmen ferry port there are regular free car-ferry departures to Hönö and one to Björkö. Join the queue to Hönö/Öckerö.

Parking: 3 hr with P-disc throughout the harbour.

Pitches are available in Klåva, Östra hamnen (East harbour)


By bus it takes about 1 hour. Take the Röd (Red) Express from Gothenburg to Lilla Varholmen and then take the free Gula (yellow) ferry to Öckerö/Hönö. At Hönö ferry port change to bus 2 which goes to the Hönö Klåva stop (via Fotö).


Take the passenger boat Kungsö from Gothenburg City. Daily trips during the summer. Extra trips are added during special events.

Come in sailing or motor boats and moor in Klåva´s guest harbour.


There are lovely cycle paths all the way from Gothenburg, and you can also rent bicycles on the islands.

The weather in Hönö Klåva

Find us

Hönö Klåva is located in the Gothenburg Archipelago, just one hour from city center.

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